Tuesday, June 29, 2010

of all the lonely people

just drumming.
im late to band practice.
i miss.

Monday, June 28, 2010

audience of one

my eyes are blue.
my socks are blue.
my nails are blue.
my watch is blue.

elizabeth and james. not blue.

i have never seen this on the left side before






Saturday, June 26, 2010

i'm man enough

i think i will name my child after a disney character.
maybe geppetto.
and paint his nails rainbow.

airports are good places to look at people. i think i should live there.

Thursday, June 24, 2010





i found three things yesterday that i lost over the past five months.
some mini milk cups from subway explaining further would be futile but they both quenched my thirst and had a weird aftertaste.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

think you've got us fooled

i like the name kirby.
it reminds me of super mario.
the pink ball with red feet.
ma favourite.
i played in my cubby house today.




uhm shoes from topshop
like the ladybug in a bugs life




Trimapee- check out the website really (www.trimapee.com). i also love the same dress in the orange...looks like a sunset vomited on it and it is oh so lovely

Sunday, June 20, 2010

elevator love

i really enjoy a good wedge.
this one is particularly pretty.
walking is nice.
especially at the beach.

Friday, June 18, 2010

can you see it, feel it

everyone is leaving.
i really like the name sidney.
i painted my nails 3 colours.
last night i had a really good dream.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

it's a boy, mrs walker

sometimes i wish i was a boy.
and an artist.
i could play rugby.
some boys are so pretty.
prettier than girls.
i like boys.

hedi slimane

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i'll always be waiting

you never even see me.
drawing fashion feet is hard.
i have a teddy.
i don't always need him.
but he is there.

Monday, June 7, 2010

kiss me at the gate

go after it.
i wear my ugg boots to bed sometimes.
the sun is missing.
what colour to paint my nails...

just follow me

pottering is not as fun as i thought it would be.
i wish i could skateboard.
like emile.
in dogtown.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

you are so magnetic

when you run you dont think.
i like running.
and conversations with myself.
we can't all be edie.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

you always keep passing me by

i love k and c as much as i love soft and warmth.
and netball.
some people are just distractions.

i want something thats all mine

you cant always get what you want.
sometimes you should just stop talking.
my travelling circus is pretty good.
but we are down one.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

out of my mind

i miss m and bon iver.
i get a paper aeroplane soon.

but i want bright pink lipstick.
and cool lazy eyes.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

let's make this happen now

i think about you alot.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

i've never met a sweeter liar

if i could be an animal i would be a moth.
today i read with my eyes closed.

ummmmm can i have your pants?

hanging with the unloved kids

i wish it was easy to become addicted to running.
i thought alot about people today.
trains make me sleepy.
i like to walk with a purpose.
i miss m.
come back.
i think about someone alot.
i bought a jacket like this today.
tomorrow i will draw.